Research contents pages.

I noticed that my magazine was perhaps a little to plain and simple when it came to layout and use of images. I had three images all using the same model and therefore felt the need to create a contents with more images to create more excitement and more of a rocky, messy look to the magazine.

Where shall i put my mast head?

I have tried placing the my mast head at both the top and the bottom of my cover image. I then asked my peer group which image they preffered to get some feed back on which positioning i should continue using for my front cover. Although many of them liked the idea of challenging the normal/average design by placing the mast heads at the bottom of the page it come back that the mass majority of the peer group preffered the placing at the top of the image. Choosing this placing has also worked in my favour, it allows room at the bottom of the page to add a small caption.

basing my cover image design on this magazine.

Fashion magazines have always been my favourite style. They are often very simple when it comes to designing their front covers, only containing a small amount of writing and a very simple photograph. I have chosen to focus my front cover design on INDIE fashion magazine. I may also incorporate the idea of using a small caption in the bottom right corner of the page, often used in a scrufy font as if hand-written on Indie fashion magazine.