My target audience.

Film noir:(Definition from James Monaco’s Film Glossary) “Originally a French term meaning “black film”, now in common usage, to indicate a film with a gritty, urbn setting that deals mainly with dark or violent passions in a downbeat way.Especially common in American cinema during the late forties and early fifties, its themes of existential alienation and paranoia have often been read as signs of postwar malaise and Cold War anxiety “.

Film Noir is most commonly thought of during the 1940’s-1950’s, I feel that my target market should relate to this era in one way or another, therefore i would consider aiming my key demographic at a group aged 40-80, chosing this age group due to the fact that they would have grown up with this genre of film through-out their childhood.

However, after researching my genre i have decided that this type of film would be presented in an art house cinema and would have a very Niche market, considering this artistic style i would expect students studying an artistic subject to be interested in the film or people with an artistic background or job. Bearing this in mind i shall consider having an age limit of eighteen and over, choosing this demogrphic so that students would be able to watch it and making sure that younger audiences are not exposed to the violent scenes within the film.

 Now that i have explained my reasons behind my age group i have now done more research into the Film Noir genre and found that it would mainly be targeted towards a male audience. This is because of the dark themes and often detective/gangster story lines. There is also a use of a Femme Fatale which would be used to attract the male audience as the idea of a strong minded, controling woman is considered the male fantasy.

My key demographic is males aged18+.

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